I started this blog the summer of 2008, before there was even a followers button and other special features (like "pages")!

Of course it's evolved since then. I used to be a style writer and had a shopping column for my local newspaper, so I did lots of "cheaper finds" and "style" posts.
My followers have definitely changed as I've transitioned into the writer I am today. Those that hung in and cheered me on (even though my focus has changed)--THANK YOU!
So of course I NEED to do a contest (especially since I've made so many wonderful bloggy friends--I HEART you)!
But I want to make it easy peasy--just your name and email address is needed below! You don't even have to be a follower. Besides, you should only follow if you want to and feel a connection with me. If not, no sweat!
So on to the prizes. You can choose either:
1. Any ONE PIECE from my hand-stamped jewelry site, TAGS-N-STONES (sorry, I can only ship to US or Canada for this contest).

2. A query and 10 page critique.
Won't you help me celebrate by spreading the word and/or leaving your name on the form below (only if you want to)?
The contest ends June 30th!
(image: pierce clip art)