1. I am secretly excited about the
KFC Double Down sandwich (which also comes in a
grilled chicken version). Why am I excited?
Because, remember, I no longer indulge in bread. The sandwich is just two pieces of chicken with cheese and bacon in between. No bread!

Basically I am
sick to death of salads and sometimes feel starved!
This is mostly during lunch. For dinner, I obviously make something that all of us can eat.
So the next time hubby says, "Let's do Mickey D's for lunch", instead of cursing his metabolism, I'll say, "I'll do fast food if you go to
Just so I can try that bad boy! And then regret it, I'm sure, b/c it's got tons of calories and fat grams. ;-)
2. I got a new Walk/Pilates combo work-out DVD and it is kicking my butt! The reason I got a new one was because I lost ten pounds and then my weight came to a stand still (and I have 5 more to lose). If figured I needed to vary my routine again.

My hips, stomach and butt are sore. I've felt sluggish
all week and find myself
dreading the work-out. I know it's only temporary, until my muscles catch up, but
I cannot give up!
**The best part about this new DVD? I can choose the "music only" option and tune out her chirpy, optimistic voice if I want to!
3. After a year of pretty much ignoring my Twitter account, I finally took the plunge and downloaded TweetDeck to my computer a couple months ago. Now I can see all the tweets and discussions occurring in real time. What are the literary agents and editors I follow saying today? What are they eating for lunch? It's become a sick little addiction.

On the positive side, it's helped me figure out which agents I really like and want to query my new novel to. Plus, I've begun participating in #yalitchat on Wednesday nights after kiddo goes to bed and have learned tons about the literary world. Agents and publishers participate in the discussion and you can ask them questions!
This week the chat includes lots of published authors (the next chat is tonight at 9 EST). VERY COOL!