Showing posts with label tell the truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tell the truth. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tell The Truth Thursday

1. We got a gray kitty from the shelter that my seven-year-old promptly named, Ash.

2. He's a total sweetie and a good snuggler.

3. We thought he'd be a good companion for our other kitty, Murphy (pictured below), now ten-months-old. 

(Why did we think this? Because Murphy follows our ten-year-old dog around and tries to snuggle and play. But um, the kitty's just too much for her.)

4. Fast forward a few more days and take in this scene: Older kitty TERRORIZING new kitty. Stalks, pounces, tackles, bites on neck and stomach (sensitive areas) any chance he gets, which is pretty much ALWAYS.

5. Even though we kept them separate and introduced them slowly, like we were told. Needless to say, we are baffled by it all (except the part where cats are WAY territorial). After this, dogs are a piece of cake. And, I'm EXHAUSTED!

If ONLY animals could talk. MEOW!

Those are my truths. You got any?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Tell the Truth Thursday

1. Vacation was really nice. We always stay at my in-laws condo right on the beach. As I walked along the sand holding my six-year-old's hand (I just rhymed-someone pass me a guitar to strum), I got all warm and fuzzy when I realized that we'd created this yearly tradition of beach memories for him.

2. But I definitely missed my writing, and my bloggy friends (but not the lingering snow). I'm nearly finished with revisions on my newest YA and I was bummed to leave it behind.

3. But this week also afforded me time to think about some stuff I've struggled with. Amazing how the sound of the ocean gently lapping against the shore can help you work things through in your head.

4. And here's what I came away with. You have this thing called your gut instinct. And if you ignore it, it won't go away quietly. No way. It will continue creeping up to rub your decisions in your face. #neener-neener. YEP. So next time do yourself a favor and LISTEN TO IT!

5. The suitcases and laundry are holding a staring contest with me, but I will WIN (for one more day)!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tell The Truth Tuesday: Social Media Edition

1. Keeping a blog, Facebook, Twitter, and Goodreads account is pretty much more than I can handle. They can be huge time sucks. But I also can't live without them (at least that's what I tell myself)!

2. I have some new followers (hello out there and thank you!) but Google only allows me to follow 300 blogs (at least that's what the error message says). So unless I take the time to clean out my Google reader and unfollow blogs that no longer exist etc., I cannot follow back. *sniff* Cleaning out that Google reader? A huge time suck (unless there's a secret I'm unaware of)! But I will do it, darn-it, I will!

3. I may tweet more than post status updates on FB, but I sometimes feel more comfortable on Facebook than on Twitter. Probably because my friends and family are on FB, and they *get me* (and make me feel like I matter).

However, if I (or anyone else) ever has any kind of news to share (good or bad), the writing community comes together on Twitter in an amazing and supportive way.

4. Sometimes social media can feel like high school. And it may be my own perception. When a group of people are tweeting back and forth like mad, or making a vlog together, or joining forces to connect blog topics, I feel slightly awkward and uncool. Like I'm standing in line outside a swanky NY club, and the bouncer just let Lindsay Lohan and all of her friends in ahead of me.

On the other hand, I get involved in some group situations too, so who's to say others aren't feeling that way about ME?

5. I feel wierd when I ask someone a direct question or give a heartfelt compliment on Twitter and it's ignored time and again (yeah I know, why try, right?).

(psst...I'm not referring to those who feel social media challenged and can't find their tweets-- used to happen to me. Or people who are never on Twitter and therefore never saw my tweet to begin with. I'm referring to those who seem too self-important. They are out there-and maybe they're just misunderstood-who knows)

I think responding back or saying thank you are social cues everyone should practice. Especially if you want me to keep following you. Because even if your words are funny or gorgeously written, I'll no longer be a cheerleader for you. I may buy your book or read your great blog post eventually, but I'll feel strange about you. Just sayin'.

Nice goes a loooooooong way in my book!

Remember these are MY truths. Yours may be different.

Do YOU have any truths to share?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tell the Truth Tuesday

1. So, 2010 brought me hope. I have to believe that 2011 will ROCK MY WORLD. Who's with me?

2. My child returned to school this morning. Do you hear that bloggy friends? It's called SILENCE. Let me roll in it, bathe in it, get drunk on it. Yes, I know I'm getting carried away. But for a few precious hours I won't hear (IMO) the most over-used word in the English language: MOOOOOMMMM!!!!!

3. My blog hiatus was really nice. I got some big things done, like revamping my Tags-n-Stones jewelry site. I spent hour upon hour messing with html code so that I could make it more user friendly. I HOPE I succeeded.

4. I did miss blogging. And all of my bloggy friends. *group hug* But I realized one significant thing. I could probably stand to blog one less day a week (maybe Wednesdays). So I'm going to test it out.

What are YOUR truths?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tell The Truth Tuesday

1. I'm in this strange transitional phase right now. After querying for such a loooong time, constantly refreshing my email inbox, and transfusing all the knowledge I could about agents and their preferences, I suddenly don't have to anymore.

Am I complaining? Absolutely not. I'm just telling you I'm transitioning and it feels weird. I cannot wait to get my edit notes from Super Agent so I can work my butt off to prepare my manuscript for submission.

But in the meantime: *crickets chirping*. I'm slowly working on book three (my YA ghost story called HAUNTED MELODY) and *crickets chirping* yeah, it feels strange.

2. I keep telling people that my six-year-old is beginning kindergarten next week instead of first grade. Denial, anyone?

3. I had one of those GREAT family days this past weekend. One that involved no plans. It was just us hanging out together, playing games, talking, watching movies, and it was so...LOVELY. Beacons of light shown down on my husband and son, the angels were singing, and I thought, I am so in love with my life.

I think everyone needs those days, those moments, every now and again, to remind us of who we are, who we matter to (and vice versa) and how the simple things can make us happy.

What are your truths today?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tell the Truth Thursday

1. Nana and papa left this morning to head back to Florida. They were here for two-and-a-half weeks. There are lots of emotions tied to that, especially for one six-year-old who wishes he could see them all the time.

2. Change in routine is hard for me. It takes me a couple of days to recover.

3. With guests in town these last two weeks, my motivation has gone out the window. Motivation to write anything meaningful, work-out, and eat healthy. happens.

4. I am starting to let Debby Downer get to me again. I've had some blah news days. She and Aunt Flo can see themselves to the door!

5. The good news is that I thunk up some great ideas for my two newest YA novels (one is a ghost story and the other is a contemporary) and I wrote them down. In pen. On a piece of paper. SO from the stone ages. ;-)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tell the Truth Thursday: Procrastination

1. Procrastination is my middle name this week!

And I guess I don't feel too guilty because I had a busy jewelry month with Mother's Day orders. And I just finished revisions on my book and moved into the query stage. Which is really tough in itself. Waiting to hear. Sigh. And terrifying--will this one be good enough?
And I just don't feel like writing more in my third WIP. Not yet.

2. What I DO feel guilty procrastinating about, is thanking people publicly for Blog Awards and Tags.

The longer I wait, the longer it feels like a HUGE task. I am so sorry.

I know I have to thank: Clara, Jen, Stina, Sharlene, Mother Chick, Small Burst, B Sparkly, Jules, Homesick Cajun, and LisaDay. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Seriously, I appreciate the blogger community and all the bloggy friends I've made, and seeing your comments puts a huge smile on my face. I just want you to know that!

3. Despite how much time I spend on Twitter agent and author stalking (adding further to my procrastination), some days seeing all the love depresses me.

It's like I'm on the other side of the glass looking in. Agents announcing that they've read a manuscript they love, a writer they signed, or deals made; agented and published authors touting their admiration for each other.

But it also lights a fire under my arse!

Just not this week. I'm too busy procrastinating.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tell The Truth Thursday: All Choked Up

1. One of my BIGGEST fears (seriously, like top three) is to choke, or have someone I love choke.

And I think I know the reason why. When I was in my twenties, a co-worker choked on a taco shell right in front of me. She stood up, held her throat, and stumbled around.

The work cafeteria was packed with people and nobody did anything--just stared.

I stood up and followed her to the back kitchen where I tried the Heimlich maneuver several times, to no avail. By this time she was turning blue.

Knowing she might die, I yelled out into the cafeteria crowd for help. A larger, taller co-worker came running up, pushed me out of the way, and gave her ONE HARD THRUST. Out popped the damn shell in one fell swoop.

Why didn't it work when I tried it? Who the hell knows. But it has haunted me ever since. I felt helpless.

2. Last week Friday was probably the scariest moment of my life, as a parent.

My son accidentally swallowed a quarter (seriously, such a freak accident).

For the first 30 seconds when I thought he was choking and we wouldn't be able to save him (because c'mon, it was a quarter going down his throat), lots of crazy, sad things flashed through my mind. I am even tearing up writing this.

My husband was the rational one in the situation (I did everything wrong--turned him upside down and whacked his back) and realized he was trying to talk, which meant he could breath!

My son is such a sensitive soul, that it killed me when he cried and cried afterward asking if he was going to die (I can only imagine how it felt going down).

His stomach was x-rayed and that quarter made it to his belly. We are expecting it's arrival any day now in the toilet bowl. ;-)

3. I am secretly (irrationally) afraid that I brought this episode on.

You know, like in the book THE SECRET? How, if you obsess over something long enough the universe will align to bring it your way? I kinda believe that sh**.

So from here on out I want to make it VERY CLEAR that I do not have ANY fears about anything anymore.

That's right, UNIVERSE. Mmm... Hmm!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Tell the Truth Thursday

1. I am secretly excited about the KFC Double Down sandwich (which also comes in a grilled chicken version). Why am I excited? Because, remember, I no longer indulge in bread. The sandwich is just two pieces of chicken with cheese and bacon in between. No bread!
Basically I am sick to death of salads and sometimes feel starved!

This is mostly during lunch. For dinner, I obviously make something that all of us can eat.

So the next time hubby says, "Let's do Mickey D's for lunch", instead of cursing his metabolism, I'll say, "I'll do fast food if you go to KFC."

Just so I can try that bad boy! And then regret it, I'm sure, b/c it's got tons of calories and fat grams. ;-)

2. I got a new Walk/Pilates combo work-out DVD and it is kicking my butt! The reason I got a new one was because I lost ten pounds and then my weight came to a stand still (and I have 5 more to lose). If figured I needed to vary my routine again.

My hips, stomach and butt are sore. I've felt sluggish all week and find myself dreading the work-out. I know it's only temporary, until my muscles catch up, but UGHH!

I cannot give up!

**The best part about this new DVD? I can choose the "music only" option and tune out her chirpy, optimistic voice if I want to!

3. After a year of pretty much ignoring my Twitter account, I finally took the plunge and downloaded TweetDeck to my computer a couple months ago. Now I can see all the tweets and discussions occurring in real time. What are the literary agents and editors I follow saying today? What are they eating for lunch? It's become a sick little addiction.

On the positive side, it's helped me figure out which agents I really like and want to query my new novel to. Plus, I've begun participating in #yalitchat on Wednesday nights after kiddo goes to bed and have learned tons about the literary world. Agents and publishers participate in the discussion and you can ask them questions!

This week the chat includes lots of published authors (the next chat is tonight at 9 EST). VERY COOL!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Tell The Truth Thursday

1. I was secretly glad that John Mayer F***** up in his article with Playboy magazine. He was getting too big for his britches and needed to be knocked down a peg. Everybody needs that, from time to time. So Mr. "my penis is a racist" douche bag, shut the F up and go make good music from this experience.
2. "Jon Benet Ramsey" type stuff scares me. Not only is that one reality pageant show really scary, but any young girl dressing and acting older is. Check out Miley Cyrus' sister, Noah (in all fairness I think this is a Halloween costume, but STILL). She and Miley will be doing a lingerie line for girls aged 9-14 for Ohh La La Couture. WTF??? Just YUCK!

3. I have a secret crush on football player, Reggie Bush. You know, Kim Kardashian's boyfriend? Seeing him win with the Saints at the Super Bowl was super eye candy for me. I wanted to slap his firm a**. I think it was this GQ photo shoot that sealed it for me.

4. I equally have a crush on Paul Wesley from Vampire Dairies. Plus he's also Jack Bauer son-in-law on 24. So sometimes I get to see him two times a week. YOWZA!
5. Sometimes I suffer from extreme mommy guilt. Take yesterday for example. We walk to and from school most days. I warned my son to stay on the plowed sidewalk and to refrain from any snow piles because cold snow would get inside his boots. Apparently those kind of warnings don't work well on five-year-old boys.

By the time we got in close proximity to the school he was openly crying about all the snow that was in his boots and how cold he was. Where did my guilt come in?
I didn't think to pack an extra pair of socks in his book bag with the sneakers he'd be changing into. Yeah I know all about natural consequences and the whole "he'll learn his lesson next time". And that wet socks were "not going to kill him".

Not only that, I was all "mean mommy" and told him to get up and get moving after he sat his little butt on the ground and cried.

Boy, I carried that sadness and guilt around all day until he came out of school and I saw that he was fine. Please tell me you do this too.

What do you need to tell the truth about today?
